Thursday, April 29, 2010


Kilian's Mother Tonya provided the materials for SLIME science experiment.

Kilian explained us its procedures and instructed the whole experiment.

It is a little more solid than Flubber, and look more beautiful than flubber.

Thank you Tonya.

State Test Week is coming!!

The following week is STATE TEST WEEK!!

This year the test will be performed only online. TIS students all have to use MacBook for State Test.

Homeroom teachers are not allowed to get in the exam room to help translating questions during the test.

Kids requires;
Calculator for math test
Good sleep
Cheer from parents

I took a picture when they were working on the sample test with MacBook.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


We had a fun time to make "Flubber".

Here is the copy of "What to do".

>>Link to OMSI Flubber:

  • In a large container combine and mix:
    • 1 ½ cups very warm water
    • 2 cups Elmers white glue
    • A few drops of water color and/or glitter if using clear glue
  • Make sure this combination is completely mixed.

  • In a small container combine and mix
    • 1 1/3 cups very warm water
    • 2 level tsp 20 Mule Team Borax
  • Make sure the Borax is completely dissolved.

  • Use your hands to mix the contents of the small container into the large container.
  • Lift and turn the mixture until it is fully combined. Discard any leftover liquid.

Mix all the ingredients carefully


And make bubbles

And make bigger bubbles

Sometimes it goes funny

Mission completed!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Planting seeds

The plants occupy an important place in "Water Cycle".

We cannot really grow trees but I bought seeds bed kit for growing flowers and herbs. Probably it has been a while since kids grew plants at school last time. They all looked excited.

Hopefully kids can take some back home before summer break.

We are also planning to give some flower pots to Japanese Track Teachers before or after graduation ceremony.

Flowers: Cosmos, Pansy, Alyssum
Herbs: Basil, Sage, Thyme

Planting seeds
