Thank you for all your supports in 2009.
TIS is the first school in US for me. So I've fumbled my way to have better classroom in TIS style. All your supports encouraged me at any time and helped me to make the distance toward kids closed.
Thank you so much.
Today was the day for celebrating the end of the school day. So we had a small party with games.
1. Genga
Parents team did a great job. But I guess I trained children's team better.
Kids won!



Tonya finished the game.
2. Puzzle
Parents team worked on World map. Kids worked on Japanese map.
The pieces for Africa and Europe seemed a little complicated for parents. Japan puzzle has only 46 pieces, which means Japan is divided into 46 prefectures.
Kids won!

3. Battle ship
This is the game that my wife showed me in Japan. I tested kids' reaction in Japan and they all loved this game. Today's game was also so tense and excited. We all enjoyed this game, especially winners.
Kids won!
Serious look
Serious look #2